Making a video game is more than just having a fresh idea and the right programming talents.
First, you need to be able to visualize your game idea with concept arts, character designs, environments, vehicles, etc…
That’s where companies like Saigon Dragon Studios come in.
Saigon Dragon specializes in creating assets for game development teams at all stages of production, from the earliest concept and prototyping phases to final builds, including platforms like mobile and console games.
We understand very well that a Game development is all about building the right team, collaboration and transparency.
Adding a great concept artist or 3D modeler to your own team can help get that first piece of concept art or character model created faster, so you can spend more time on other important aspects of development.
It’s also important to figure out how much it’s going to cost for you to try and do everything internally, compared to how much it would cost you if you outsource that work overseas.
Saigon Dragon Studios offers competitive prices because we’re based in Vietnam, which has much lower wages than other countries like the United States or Canada, but we have highly trained artists and a management team who is fluent in English.
Outsourcing already comes with significant cost savings compared to hiring domestic talent because of these differences in rates throughout the world.
Figure out what art-related tasks you can outsource with Saigon Dragon Studios – get in touch at: